Making Revision More Effective
Help Your Students Revise More Effectively
Academic achievement is not just attained through effective teaching and learning; it also requires productive revision. At all levels of education, many students find revising difficult. As a result, performance in exams falls below expected levels, and students are unable to achieve grades that accurately represent their knowledge and understanding. The solution? Make revision simpler and more effective.
One key revision issue is the amount of material necessary to cover an entire curriculum. Being faced with such a mountain of books and paperwork is daunting in itself; reading and revising them all is near impossible.
Sofia not only provides a high- and low-level overview of the curriculum, it is also designed to help students use its easy-to-interpret visuals and comprehensive datasets to improve the quality of their revision.
Easy Access to Past Related Learning
When it comes to improving knowledge on a single subject, information can be spread across different lessons, semesters, or even academic years. By signposting users to parts of the curriculum covered in the past, Sofia directs students’ revision and helps them to rediscover previous learning.
In the act of reviewing a specific subject, when users select a category, a sidebar will appear with the header ‘Where else can I learn about [category name]?’ Beneath the header is a list of curriculum areas where more information or learning opportunities about that specific category can be found and accessed.
Attach Personal Notes and Documents
Post-it notes, scribbled reminders, and scattered paperwork are usual signs of revision, and the administrative task or keeping them organised becomes unmanageable. By revising in Sofia, students are able to keep all of their thoughts, notes, and cues in one place.
In Sofia, students and administrators can assign notes to any module; be it a subject, category, theme, or any other type of module. Once a note has been added, an icon will appear next to the module it is assigned to, making them easy to find at a later date. Notes can be edited at any time, and attachments can also be added to further enhance revision.
Using the notes icon on the left-hand sidebar, users can access a list of all the notes they have added in Sofia. When a large number of notes have been added, the filter feature can be used to narrow the list down by year, specialty, or any other predetermined factor. The notes section will prove invaluable for students as they enjoy more structured and better organised revision.
Keeping Track of Progress and Revision
The majority of curricula are diverse and exhaustive, and revising every facet requires a great deal of time, which makes tracking progress a real challenge. By using Sofia, however, it’s easy to review the areas you’ve covered and see what’s left to do.
Every module within the hierarchy displays a progress bar. When items within that module have been completed, the user simply ticks the completion box, and the progress is logged against the module and the progress bar increases. Once all items within the module have been completed, a green ‘tick’ will appear next to the name of the module, and the box will be highlighted in green. If that module is part of a larger overarching module, then completing it will see the progress bar of the larger module increase, too.
If the student later decides to revisit a topic, then items and modules can be unticked, with the progress bars updating as necessary. Notes can still be assigned to completed items and reviewed as necessary, so there is no need to ‘uncomplete’ an item if a change is required.
Better Revision, Better Results
By facilitating more structured, organised, and effective revision, Sofia helps students to perform at their best when it matters the most. Maximising results is not just a benefit for students, but also for colleges and universities too. Backed by improved grades and higher attainment, your education setting will attract more funding, receive more admission applications, and benefit from an improved reputation.
If you’d like to discuss implementing Sofia, our powerful curriculum mapping tool, at your school, college, or university, contact our helpful team today.